FAQ - Sunseeker
Which size should I choose?

We recommend checking our size guide. To find your perfect fit, click on the size guide on each product page; the measurements will help you determine your correct size.

How do I know if an item is in stock?

All items displayed are in stock, check the colour and size from the product page to find out which colour and sizes are available. Colours and sizes not available will not appear.

Which countries do you ship to?

Asia, Africa, Europe and U.S..

Can I buy a bikini top and bottom separately, even though they are pictured together?

Absolutely, all bikini tops and bottoms are shot and displayed together on the body; however all are sold as individual pieces so you can mix and match styles and sizes until you find the perfect swimsuit. Please note all prices for each bikini piece are as marked on the individual items.

I have seen an item on the website and now it no longer appears. Do items come back in stock?

Yes, some products will come back in stock. Please check back on the site or contact customer service at cs@sunseekerswimwear.com to find out about product availability.

Can I return or exchange my order?

If you change your mind about an item purchased on www.sunseekerswimwear.com, you are entitled to an exchange or refund within 30 days of receipt should it meet the below requirements:

Please make sure that swimwear is tried on over your own underwear. In the interests of hygiene, we may refuse returns of items where it's obvious that this hasn't been done.

Unfortunately Sunseeker does not accept exchange requests. If you wish to receive another item, please return the item/s from your original order for refund and place a new order.

Who pays for my return postage?

Bear in mind that in the case of postal returns, Sunseeker will not accept carriage due or payment on delivery and will not pay the delivery or return charges.

When will I receive my refund payment?

Refunds will be processed to the original payment method within 5-12 business days of Sunseeker receiving the return parcel. Notification will be sent to nominated email address at the time of this transaction.
PLEASE NOTE: Sunseeker cannot be held accountable for banking institution processing timeframes.

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